10 reasons why teaching assistants are essential

Teaching Assistants play a critical role in helping educate pupils. Managing a class of 30 is a huge task for any Teacher and the responsibility covers a wide scope of activities. This is where the Teaching Assistant (TA) comes in.
Teaching Assistants helps to set up the classroom, mark papers, answer student questions, support students in accomplishing tasks and can even supplement course materials and lessons from time to time. A TA will help to manage student behaviour in a discreet manner without disrupting the whole class and allowing the focus remain on the Teacher to deliver effective teaching. TA’s also go one step further and build happy and valuable relationships with students, parents and other staff members at the school. They play an essential role and often are the unsung heroes!
Here are our ten reasons why we believe teaching assistants are essential and should always have a place in the classroom.
1. They offer one on one support
Many children are overwhelmed by packed classrooms and are unable to take things in, especially for those beginning primary school it can be quite daunting. Teaching assistants play a pivotal role in important one on one sessions and helping children overcome their anxieties.
2. They provide access for children
Previously many children with disabilities would not have been able to access education so easily as they can today without the help from specialists. Teaching assistants today are highly trained in supporting with mental and physical disabilities, speech and language issues, behavioural difficulties and a range of other conditions. It’s a tough job however very highly rewarding.
3. Extra set of eyes
An extra set of eyes is always handy and teachers don’t have eyes in the back of their heads!
4. They help your child find a Eureka breakthrough
Reading a tough word for the first time, reaching the end of a book or finally cracking a Maths problem, that excitement on a child’s face when they explode back into the house with a gold star could be thanks to the TA.
5. Reduces the pressure off of the teacher
A class full of thirty students all needing help during a difficult lesson is impossible ground to cover for one person. A teaching assistant will help ease the load off of the teacher allowing them to focus on what they do best – teaching. TAs can be utilised in situations for all students to reap the benefit.
6. Class control
Teaching assistants help to control the classroom by identifying on those difficult students or helping the teacher implement rules and taking the appropriate action where required.
7. Teaching assistants work together with the teacher to implement strategies
A teacher and their assistant can work together and identify a group of people that need some intervention. Whether it’s a group finding the work difficult and need a helping hand or a group needing a good push because they’re excelling, having someone to take them aside means that there’s less chance of a child being left behind or held back.
8. They’re friendly and approachable
Teachers have a position of power and authority and even though they can come across assertive they are in fact lovely, down to earth wonderful people. However due to their power they can be harder to approach, and many students find it easier to talks to the teaching assistant instead.
9. They do a lot behind the scenes
There’s for a teaching assistant. Many arrive very early and / or stay behind after school finishes to help plan lessons, prepare the classroom, monitor and report on progress as well diving into the daily tasks of school life.
10. They can also team teach
Interactive lessons are always a big hit especially when they are a bit different and are not just the same face lecturing them from the front of the room. Having seen teaching assistants and teachers join forces to deliver fun and exciting presentations, pieces of drama and even singing a song together, makes a difference in .
For many students the teaching assistant is more than just a face in the class. They are a big part of their life who can have a serious impact on their future.
3 cheers for Teaching Assistants!
Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
We are recruiting for some fantastic Teaching Assistant roles n Primary, Secondary and SEN schools. Browse through our current vacancies and apply today.