Problems every single teacher will understand straight away

There are many reasons people get into a teaching career. Being able to teach kids about the world and a range of different subjects means it is one of the most rewarding jobs you could ever hope to find.
However, like any job, there are those little problems that everyone seems to experience at some point. Those little common issues that everyone who has spent in the job will nod at with that little knowing smile. Here, we take a look at a few of the most common teacher problems.
They're just not listening
As every teacher knows all too well, explaining something once, or at times even twice, is never going to be enough. How many times have you spent your time going over something with the class in as much detail as you can, making sure you speak clearly and in a way you know everyone can understand, only for that one hand to shoot up in the air at the end. "I don't get it", they moan. Only when you ask what part you don't get do you realise it was the whole thing, because they weren't listening at all. Oh well….back to the start!
The troublesome parent
Every parent wants to know that their child is performing well and doing their very best at school. You're a teacher, you get that, and you appreciate the parent having a hands-on approach to their kid's education. But just not too hands-on. When parents are always trying to call meetings with you, or answering your marking of homework with some comments of their own, well there's few things more draining and problematic. You just want to be left alone!
The constant battle
If there's one thing you truly hate hearing as a teacher it's that age-old question...."when will we ever use this?" Pupils love to ask where something fits into their everyday future life, no matter how problematic it can be for you to answer. Sure, telling them that learning to cook will stand them in good stead for being an adult is easy, but try explaining to a 14-year old why they'll ever need to know trigonometry or Pythagoras' theorem. If you do, you're in for something of a long day for sure.
The rebellion
Pupils are great, and they're the reason anyone gets into teaching, to impart knowledge on the young minds that could be tomorrow's geniuses. However, it's not always that simple. In high school in particular, kids are going through so many changes growing up, and for some this sparks a need to challenge authority in their own little way. The problem? To them, you're authority. You just want to tell them you're on their side, but what do you get in return for your help? Talking behind your back, giggling at nothing, throwing things at each's such a drain.
Friends don't get it
It's not all rosy away from school either. You think the little problems you encounter in your school day will just fritter away when it comes time for the bell to ring. But after you've spent all day trying to keep 30 little delights happy, you've then got to deal with another group who don't understand you - your friends. They all work happy, carefree office jobs where five o'clock comes and they can swan off into the night, paying not a thought to work until the alarm goes the next day. The problem? Well no one seems to understand that your life as a teacher is a little less straightforward. Try telling them why you're spending pub quiz night reading about the Tudors 30 times back to back and just wait for the confused looks to start.